Latest News @ High Court of jammu & kashmir & ladakh
  1. Advertisement for the posts in different categories (Non-Gazetted)
  2. Corrigendum in respect of Advertisement 02 of 2024 RR/RC     
    Candidates who have already registered can login and complete the form.
    जो अभ्यर्थी पहले ही पंजीकरण कर चुके हैं, वे लॉगइन कर फॉर्म भर सकते हैं।
    1. Senior Scale Stenographer, Level-7 (44900-142400)(Non-Gazetted)
    2. Junior Scale Stenographers Level-6B (35600- 112800)
    3. Steno-Typists Level-5 (29200-92300)
    4. Chief Librarian Level-6F (40800- 129200)
    5. Librarian Level-6 (35400- 112400)
    6. Librarian Level-4 (25500- 81100)
    7. Library Assistant Level-2 (19900- 63200)
    8. Translator Level-6E (35900- 113500)
Closed At 11:59 PM || 18-08-2024
Registration Portal Closed as per notification.